Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Covid-19 lockdown return- take 2!!

School were reopened again this week, after another lockdown in Auckland. Our return was effectively under Covid-Alert Level 2.5 in Auckland.

With South Auckland, and in particular Mangere being the hub of the latest outbreak of COVID-19, many parents were anxious to send their kids back to school. 

Anxiety is high across the community as cases are still active in the community and wider Tamaki Makaurau area. My whanau were also anxious with me going back to school, with an unknown amount of students returning, and social distancing being closer in a confined classroom. Masks were not compulsory, but I wore one for the first day and a few students also chose to wear them. I have to be honest, I was quite anxious and felt that we should have waited another week at least before going back.  


Social distancing rules, hygiene and overall safety has been my main focus in the classroom and wider school community. Only half of my class returned during the first week back, and this helped with good desk spacing and easier to keep students away from each other. Well. this is easier said than done, as all the students were happy to see each other again and wanted to play games, eat together and hug each other. 
But, the learning must go on and all the students were excited to be back and doing some school work. My goal was to ease their anxiety, making them feel safe back at school and having lots of fun activities to do. 
Well, I think I achieved all of these and had lots of fun myself - it's so good to be back in my classroom!!! 



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